Inbound Health Insurance

As an Inbound Student to District 5020, the Insurance recommended by your sponsoring District may be sufficient for our purposes. Insurance from your home country must be pre-approved by your Country Officer in District 5020. If you receive a letter requesting you to purchase our district approved insurance you must complete this task before receiving your documents to apply for your visa. All exchange students (except those countries with pre-approved insurance plans as noted above) must have purchased the health and accident insurance arranged by Rotary District 5020 BEFORE arriving in D5020. This insurance is issued by CSI-Bolduc. All students much purchase Annual Term Plan B and Personal Liability; For Rotary Students Traveling INTO the US; even if you will be hosted in Canada, you will be traveling into the US on Rotary events and must be fully covered. Download your application form and brochure. Make sure you download information for the upcoming year.
ENROLL ONLINE: The fastest and easiest way to complete this is on-line. Go to the application page by clicking on “Enroll online” at you can connect to the on-line application and have this done in minutes. The insurance company in turn will issue the policy on-line and send us both copies via e-mail. Save a copy for yourself when submitting the application.
ALTERNATE: If you do not wish to apply online, complete the insurance application at the above website for Rotary Youth Exchange Students. Note that this will slow down your process.
Make 2 copies: Keep one for your records. Mail one copy of the application with payment to CISI Bolduc at the secure lock box address on the application form.
Please be sure that your credit card information (the account number and the expiration date) is written clearly and correctly. If, for some reason, your credit card is declined, you must contact CISI Bolduc immediately to give alternate payment information. If you are paying by credit card, it is important to tell your credit card company that a charge from the United States will be posted to their account. This should keep the credit card company from rejecting payment because of security concerns. You can put your date of departure as August 1, of the exchange year. You can apply for your insurance by mail or e-mail. Applying on-line is the fastest and easiest way. If you are applying by e-email, please do not send an original by mail. This could cause confusing duplication and delays.
To help with the insurance application here is some helpful information:
Section I: Use your home address and country
Section II: Your host country is either the United States or Canada and our district is 5020 Use your host district Country Officer or your host club Youth Exchange Officer’s address as host district contact name
Section III: Insurance documents once covered should be mailed to: YOUR HOME ADDRESS
Section IV: Please choose "PLAN B" on the insurance application. If you have any questions, please contact your host district Country Officer in charge of your exchange here in District 5020